Even though Santa won’t admit it, it’s good that he can visit Dr Molinare to make sure his teeth are clean after all of the holiday sweets!!

Mrs. Claus makes sure all of elves and Santa make it to Dr. Molinare so that they don’t get any cavities and this Santa was so grateful of the support that they gave to Operation HoHoHo!!

It’s always a good thing to have a dentist on your side when every house you visit has chocolate chip cookies waiting for you!! Thank you for all of your Operation HoHoHo support!!

The Advantage Business Media Elves have been busy again this year collecting gifts for Operation HoHoHo!!

Advantage Business Media has a huge heart and has been an amazing supporter of Operation HoHoHo again this year!! The team here never shy’s away from getting involved and they help make this simple little idea of collecting toys for the Ronald McDonald House so successful each year!!

Another successful toy pick up at Advantage Business Media for Operation HoHoHo with even more that have been delivered directly to the RMH!!

One of our oldest contributors The Hanover Rotary continues to share the smiles this year!!

The Hanover Rotary has been one of our oldest supporters and they’ve always been there to help us and lend a hand!! What an amazing organization that not only supports a ton of local projects like Operation HoHoHo, though they help with worldwide issues like polio and helping make sure everyone has access to education!!

Operation HoHoHo was founded on simply philosophy that we can all make a difference with small actions and the Hanover Rotary has always been a supporter to help us continue this tradition!!!

Not only does Travelers Insurance collect a ton of toys for the RMH, they also help insure the North Pole!!

We are grateful for the support we receive each year from Travelers Insurance who helps us collect gifts in their offices!! Each year they help us share the smiles down at the Ronald McDonald House!!

Sometimes the winters get tough up at the North Pole, though we know we’re covered through our friends at Travelers Insurance who again this year collected a ton of toys!!

The MacCormack Agency helps fill the Operation HoHoHo Toy Trailer Again!!

The MacCormack Agency elves have been busy this holiday season collecting gifts at all of their offices and during the Annual Holiday Party!!  All we can say is wow…..

Normally it’s not 70 degrees out and Santa’s used to traveling in the ice & snow so he was grateful to find out that his insurance agent also collected gifts for Operation HoHoHo!!

MpowerMed sharing the smiles with Operation HoHoHo

The MpowerMed team always goes above and beyond during the holidays and this year they collected a pile of gifts for us to bring down to the Ronald McDonald House to help share the smiles!!

We want to thank all of the offices of MpowerMed that have been collecting toys all season for us!!

International Flavors & Fragrances fills up the sleigh again this year!!

Once again the toy drive for the Ronald McDonald house was a success. Attached are the pictures with the gifts that have been donated. On Christmas Eve, my family for the 9th year will meet up with Santa Clause and a few other…

For the past 9 years the elves at IFF have always been so generous supporting Operation HoHoHo and we’re looking forward to meeting up with Head Elf Jenn this afternoon down at the Ronald McDonald House!